Let’s Talk, Not Politics

Politics can be a wonderful thing to discuss, debate and learn about. Just not right now. The negativity that surrounds all things political, and those that are not but have been politicized, is overwhelming. I am finding myself avoiding the news, social media, TV, and radio. I have gone into hibernation as we are moving out of covid hibernation.

I am traveling again, meeting and talking with people from all over the country and finding that I am not alone. With those that I have talked with it doesn’t seem to matter if they tend to lean to the right or left, they are fed up with the negativity and nastiness of it all. Of course, one of the keys to the above statement is to lean one way or the other. What we are seeing, and hearing is not from those of us who lean but those who are at both ends of spectrum. It is important in this environment to remember the extremes often are loudest.

It is okay to have closely held beliefs. It is good to be involved and passionate about a cause. Please remember, it is just as important to take a few minutes to stop, look around and see if what you are doing is causing the stress and negativity to spread. The world is full of individuals. Show your individuality in a way that does not take down those that may not see things the same as you. Have a conversation and listen to those that may not see things the same way as you. You might learn something and the person you talk to might learn something as well. Listening, being respectful and sharing your side is a good to start bringing us back together. There will be times that you just can’t find common ground. When that happens, walk away, hang up, or stop posting. It doesn’t need to get ugly. You will not change a mind by going negative. All you will get is the same reflected back.

I am not here to tell you who to vote for, that is your choice, and please make the choice to vote.  Even if you are frustrated and not happy with any of candidates, be it federal, state, or local. In the meantime, if you run into me lets have a great conversation. Just know I am still in hibernation from news, TV, radio, and most of social media so I might not have a clue what you are talking about if you are talking current events.

If you have any questions or comments contact me at kirk@maxbelief.com or post them in the comment section.