Happy Healthy & Hopeful

It is crazy out there. The markets are crashing, the internet is on fire with misinformation and panic, and the stores are running out of toilet paper. Let’s take some time and just focus on ourselves. What is your state of mind? Are you hurting yourself or have you made the decision to help yourself as these challenges close in on all of us? The mind is powerful and the decisions we make impact us both physically and mentally. 

In Dr. Caroline Leaf’s book “Think, Learn, Succeed” she states “Every time you utter a negative statement, you release negative quantum energy and upset the balance of peptides, which affects the environment of the brain and puts the body into toxic stress”. This happens not just when we utter a statement, it happens when we think the negative. When we go negative, we stress our body. I am confident we have all seen studies on what stress does to us. Why add to the stress we already have by carrying with us a negative mindset. Instead, choose to be informed. Make decisions based on rational thought. It is okay to be concerned about a virus and the economy and all the other things happening. Make plans, be proactive, do what is right for you and your family. 

I have decided to have a positive mindset and reap the benefits of that mindset even as all of this goes on around us. I have this mindset because I am hopeful. Hopeful not that governments will solve all of our problems but hopeful that myself and my family will continue to be healthy. Hopeful because I see so much good in the people I interact with daily. Hopeful that overall, we as a nation and world can put aside our petty differences and do what is right. I also know that being hopeful will keep me healthy because I will not be tearing myself down from the inside. In the end, when I am hopeful and healthy, how can I not be happy at a core level? I intend on sharing my happiness with those I interact with. In hope of helping them to be happy, healthy and hopeful as well. 

In closing, I am not a doctor and have no medical training. What I have done is research and reading on the mind, as well as worked with 1000s of individuals over the years to help them improve performance. I have seen the impacts the mind can make on us mentally and physically. 

I ask that you choose to not panic and instead make the choice to be hopeful. It may even lead to you being healthier and, in the end, happy.

If you have any questions or comments contact me at kirk@maxbelief.com or post them in the comment section.