Be The Cause Of Your Success

Take ownership of you by living life on the cause side of spectrum.

 I was on Facebook the other night and was reading through a number of posts. I was struck by how many “woe is me” posts are out there. It is amazing to see so many people blaming others, the weather, or the world in general for their problems. Those people are living on effect side of the spectrum. In Dr. Alan Zimmerman’s book Pivot he states “If it’s to be, it’s up to me, in other words you are responsible for your life, good or bad.”

On the effect side you passively sit by and take what the world gives you. Being passive is easy but is easy really all that matters? When you chose the cause side of the equation you own the situations you are in.  You realize that you got yourself into them and have the ability to make that situation whatever you want by the actions you take. Think about the power gives you and how you can use that power to shape the direction you are going.

When we accept that we are at cause it gives us great power on where we can go. I did a triathlon last summer and fell completely apart during the run. It was hot and humid, I overheated and melted. On the effect side, I failed because of the intense heat, not my fault right I can’t control the weather. When looking at is from the cause side I melted because I did not train and prepare myself to run in those conditions. Big difference in those thought processes. The key with cause is you own the responsibility and also own the LEARNING that comes with it. In my example I learned I need to train the right way so I can handle the heat.

Know where you want to go and cause the actions that will take you there. Remember your energy flows where your attention goes.